• Airside Innovation is getting national attention
    There have been several articles and media events related to safer airports using AI. Online news article about the project and the planned products from Airside Innovation. An auto-translated version of same article in English can be found here.
  • Artificial intelligence will make airports even safer
    Tomas Norvoll, State Secretary in the Ministry of Digitization and Administration, was on his first official mission and got to see a review of the FLAIT project. Photo: Mari Aftret Mørtvedt Published 14. december 2023 on Using artificial intelligence (AI), the FLAIT project will find and report errors in procedures when planes are emptied…
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  • Inter Airport München – October 2023
    Airside Innovation will attend Inter Airport München 10th -13th October. We will be located together with OPSCOMSYSTEMS among others. Our latest news will be presented there, and we hope to see you there if you are interrested in our research project.
  • Airside Innovation at SAFSEC Conference
    Airside Innovation to participate in the 13th International Aviation Safety & Security Conference in Prague
  • Applying for Innovation Project
    Applying for Innovation Project Applying The Research Council of Norway for an Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector(IPN) together with Sintef Digital.